We Love Football We do what we Love
Our football jersey online store is a place where you can find and buy the latest and most authentic football jerseys of your favorite teams.
Our working process
Our football jersey online store offers fast and free shipping, easy and secure payment, and friendly and helpful customer service. Our football jersey online store is the best place to shop for your passion and love for football.

About our online store
Welcome to Troys Squad football store is Online Store, We feel your passion and aim to provide you with everything you need to follow the beautiful game. Troys Squad is the home for football Jerseys online - Your club's colors run through our veins. When you think football, think Troys Squad - we've got you sorted.
A globally-renowned football specialist and authority in our field, www.troyssquad.store is home to a huge amount of official replica kit for English Premier League giants Arsenal, Chelsea, Everton, Liverpool, Manchester City, Manchester United, Tottenham Hotspur and others.
Contacting Us by Email
We are happy to answer queries on products, orders and anything else about the online store at the below address:
We endeavour to respond to all emails within 24 hours.
Contacting Us by Phone
If you'd like to speak to one of our friendly advisors, please contact us on troyssquad store Insta page
Our opening times are 9:30am to 7pm Sunday - Saturday. Outside of these hours, please send us an email and we'll get back to you swiftly.
Please note: For Quick Response Reach out our Instagarm Page